Get to know Maihem's AI Agents

MAIHEM introduces a completely new way of efficiently and automatically testing AI applications – ensuring performance and safety from development all the way to deployment
Max Ahrens

Companies are missing the right tools and resources to conduct comprehensive quality assurance of their LLM applications, leading to failures that cost businesses time, money, and reputation. MAIHEM introduces a completely new way of efficiently and automatically testing AI applications – ensuring performance and safety from development all the way to deployment.

Large language models (LLMs) have transformed how enterprises do business, as LLMs are being used to automate customer service, sales, coding, and more. As LLMs-powered products proliferate, there has also been a significant surge in reports of them failing as well. From Chevrolet’s chatbot offering to sell a new car for $1, Air Canada being ordered by court to compensate a customer because of it’s hallucinating customer support AI, or the supermarket ‘Meal-bot’ that recommended a recipe for chlorine gas – failures in quality assurance of LLM applications cost businesses time, money, and reputation.

Generative AI, such as LLMs, present a new and unique set of challenges that traditional software testing methods do not adequately address. Traditional software is deterministic, meaning that it always produces the same results. Conversely, generative AI models are probabilistic black boxes, as their responses are highly variable and hard to predict. Simply put, traditional software produces a few predefined results, whereas LLMs can generate thousands of different responses. This means there are also thousands of ways things can go wrong with LLMs.

MAIHEM introduces a completely new way of efficiently and automatically testing AI applications – ensuring performance and safety from development all the way to deployment. Our AI agents simulate real-world personas with complex and varied characteristics, which interact with LLM applications, such as conversational AI. Our AI agents provide comprehensive and automated testing, as they generate thousands of critical edge cases (as well as ‘normal’ user behaviour), exposing LLM applications to challenging scenarios in a controlled environment before being deployed.

MAIHEM’s automated AI quality assurance is not only orders of magnitude more comprehensive than manual test writing, it also dramatically accelerates quality assurance processes – giving valuable time back to engineers to focus on building great AI-powered products. What is more, using MAIHEM’s AI agents avoids the privacy, regulatory, and reputational issues related to experimenting on the performance of AI applications with real data and real customers. Lastly, MAIHEM’s AI agents continuously evolve and adapt to the LLMs they test, allowing for continuous improvement.

Our state-of-the-art AI agents systematically identify and exploit the weaknesses of LLM applications, evaluate their performance, and flag potential risks. Ship better AI products faster, with MAIHEM.
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